
Currently I’m a junior in college going for a degree in cybersecurity.

I’m largely self-taught when it comes to cybersecurity, despite taking several courses for cybersecurity, but I try to push myself to strengthen and broaden my skillset.

Cybersecurity Experience

Most of my relevant cybersecurity experience comes from participating in competitions. For the past three years, I’ve been part of a team that has consistently placed high in several collegiate cyber defense competitions, and has also done well in various CTFs.

Last summer, I also took a cybersecurity analyst internship at Panduit, where I learned a lot about what it’s like to be in a corporate cybersecurty job role. I’m very thankful for the internship opportunity, and I feel that it scratched the experience itch that school just didn’t.

After the former club president graduated, I have been placed as Senior Club President for the Lewis University Cyber Defense Club, where I lead with several co-presidents to organize club meetings and events. My main focuses in the club are planning talks and presentations for meetings, helping members prepare for their cybersecurity career goals, competition prep (primarily for CTFs), and competitive team leadership.


I have a lot of hobbies that I’m very interested in, and recently I’ve been spending my free time slacklining, rock climbing, and working out at the gym.

This past fall, I got the amazing expierence to get my feet into highlining, where I took my first steps on a 1” wide webbing suspended over 300’ in the air, without any assistance.

Other than my physical hobbies, I’ve also been improving my skills for CTFs, and I’ve been fleshing out my Arch Ignition Key, which is a script to setup Arch Linux with my custom dotfiles.

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